It’s really amazing to have chickens and finally understand what all those idioms mean. “She rules the roost;” or “there’s a definite pecking order;” “he’s hen-pecked;”  “the children are coming home to roost;” “going to bed with the chickens;”  “don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched;” and my favorite: “running around like a chicken with its head cut off.”

Who knew where these sayings came from or what they mean? I certainly did not, but every once in a while when I’m walking amongst the chickens, one of these sayings will pop into my head…and make complete sense.

Our free-range chickens have complete rule of the roost, and live a very happy and productive life; which makes for delicious, healthy, robust eggs!

And we don’t charge you extra for the double yolkers! Yolks on us.