Red Chile Braised Short Ribs


This recipe specially provide by New Mexico Executive Sous Chef, Richard Padilla. Find him on Instagram at chefrichardpadilla



  • Grass-fed Short Ribs 2lbs

  • Mire Poix 2 onions, 1 celery, and 1 carrot

  • Tomato Paste 1 can

  • Red Wine 1 bottle (1 cup to enjoy)

  • Beef Broth 2 cups

  • Garlic 1 clove cut in half

  • Herbs: Thyme, Rosemary, and oregano

  • Olive Oil 2 tablespoons

  • Spices: Salt & Pepper

Bay Leaves 1 tablespoon

Chile Flakes 1 tablespoon

Red Chile Powder

4 Red Chile Pods


Preheat oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit

Cut the Short Ribs in individuals (In-between each rib)

Salt & pepper the short ribs on both sides (Heavy)

Pour the olive oil into a Dutch oven and let heat


Hard sear all sides of the short ribs and add the garlic clove then remove (Set aside)


Saute the Mire Poix in the Dutch oven


Add the tomato paste, red chile flakes with the Mire Poix and continue to sauté

Deglaze with the red wine and reduce


Add the beef broth and return the short ribs with the garlic to the Dutch oven

Add the Chili powder, herbs, and bay leaves to the Dutch oven

Cover and let cook for 6 – 8 hours or until short ribs are tender and falling apart


Strain sauce and use as a glaze for plating

Suggested sides:

These short ribs will pair well with a potato or parsnip puree


A little about New Mexico Sous Chef Richard Padilla

Born in San Diego, CA but raised in Albuquerque, NM, I have been cooking professionally for 10 years. My passion for food and creating dishes has been with me since a young age. Through my career, I have had the privilege of working with a great Chefs at Hotel Andaluz and Vintage 423.

I aspire to be an Executive Chef with creative control of my own menu and as I continue to work towards my aspirations; I have worked with mentors and peers that have taught me techniques, work ethic, skills and even life lessons that I carry with me daily; without them I would not have the opportunities I have had in my career thus far. Including my teachers at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). I am honored and grateful to have met so many talented Chefs and consider them mentors.

During our national Pandemic so many small business’ and restaurants have been affected by the lack of income and through these uncertain times I felt it was necessary to give back to our communities. I had the privilege of volunteering with the World Central Kitchen by providing my services at the Santa Fe Community College. Through this program we were able to prepare over 25,000 meals to the Santa Fe County communities, weekly.

I have always been a strong believer in supporting local farmers with farm to table eating. I believe it is our duty in our communities to support our local farmers so we can continue to sustain local, organic, and fresh foods for our future generations. The sense of pride in knowing where your food is harvested and the ability to support local farmers is an honor and I would like to encourage everyone to support your local farmers and ranchers in your communities.

A special thank you to Donna with Sweet Mercy Farms for this amazing opportunity to create a dish from the heart with your fresh local products.