CSAs or Community Supported Agriculture is the direct connection between the rancher and the consumer. You are buying more than a “meat box,” you are sharing in the year’s harvest of the freshest and best meat available for you and your family. By sharing in the plenty, you’ll get a diverse variety of high quality meats each month for your table, and experience the pleasure of serving the best proteins available.
The Sweet Mercy Farms CSA is a monthly box of our local, nutritious, healthy, high quality and humanely raised meats.
Choose if you would like a monthly box or a bi-monthly box.
Choose your main protein: Beef, pork or a mix of both. You can also choose our Grinds Only CSA.
Add options. You can choose meat only, meat + 1 dozen eggs (+7), or choose to add 2 wild caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon filets (+$25)
At checkout, choose delivery, pick up at the farm, or seasonally, pick up at the Downtown Grower’s market.